
blow up dolls

I read somewhere that a disgruntled dad had to spend most of Christmas day patching up stab holes in his giant blow up snowman. First of all, why? The damage is done. You have to accept the fact that Frosty met a horrible fate and move on. Why spend a day full of presents and food and family working on something that's meaningless...unless of course you'd rather do that then spend time with the ol' wifey. Ah, now it makes sense!
But why have these grandiose blow up Christmas idols in the first place? I mean, really, you're just asking for trouble. What neighborhood, pint-sized, passive agressive, classmate beating, future serial killer could resist? I even have trouble passing one of those smug colossal bags of air without at least throwing a punch! They just stare at you in a "I'm Frosty and I'm bigger than this house...who the hell are you" kinda way. Honestly most people don't even notice them anymore...unless they're in a deflated mess on some poor schmuck's front lawn. Then we all point and laugh. I guess they do bring joy to the world.


At 12:40 AM , Blogger Shades said...

Well Said! Now excuse me while I sharpen my knife.

At 5:29 PM , Blogger Auntslappy said...

I have to admit I love to see one of those monsters half-deflated as if they are in pain on the front lawn of someone's house. Smiles of Christmas joy!


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